HP-01 Prototypes

My HP-01 collection:  Review of special editions and prototypes

HP-01 prototype Not For Resale

Early leather strap prototype

This band differs clearly form the final alligator leather band which is commonly known. Read the note at the right side I got from a former HP employee together witgh this strap.
Additionally the case back of this specimen has an engraving saying „Not For Resale“.
The box is completely different to the today known rectangular brown case with the gold colored outer card box. Apart from my own one I’ve only seen one other such box during the years.

The note says the following:

If I remeber correctly this band was used on one of the first HP01s produced. This is early it is different. We did not at that time have approval yet to use the alligator bands.”

HP-01 prototype letter
HP-01 prototype Not For Resale #2
HP-01 prototype Not For Resale #3
HP-01 prototype Not For Resale #4
HP-01 prototype Not For Resale back
HP-01 prototype Not For Resale S/N

The case back has the manufacture code “1704A” which is the earliest I’ve ever seen.

HP-01 All-Keys-Raised Prototype gold filled version

With this prototype all of the keys are raised so that – theoretically – no stylus is needed for operation.
But that proved not to be very useful because the keys still were too small so as to operate them without a stylus.
These prototypes were produced in low quantities in the mid of production cycle when HP tried to make the HP-01 more attractive and to boost sales figures.
The case back has the manufacture number 9999A which solely was used for prototypes.

HP-01 prototype raised keys gold
HP-01 prototype raised keys gold #2
HP-01 prototype raised keys gold back
HP-01 prototype raised keys gold S/N

The case back has an interesting misarranged impression:
The 2nd digit “1” of the serial number is shifted into the manufacture code “9999A” thereover...

All-Keys-Raised Prototype stainless steel version

With this watch all of the keys are raised so that – theoretically – no stylus is needed for operation.
But that proved not to be very useful because the keys still were too small so as to operate them without a stylus.
These prototypes were produced in low quantities in the mid of production cycle when HP tried to make the HP-01 more attractive and to boost sales figures.
The case back has the manufacture number 9999A which solely was used for prototypes.

HP-01 prototype raised keys ss
HP-01 prototype raised keys ss #2
HP-01 prototype raised keys ss back
HP-01 prototype raised keys ss S/N
High glossy stainless steel version A1-007

This watch does exist in HP sales price lists and I also have a brochure it is shown in but it has never been sold officially. My specimen doesn’t have a manufacture or a serial number on case back what indicates it is an unfinished product.

HP-01 prototype raised keys chrome
HP-01 prototype raised keys chrome #2
HP-01 prototype raised keys chrome #3
HP-01 prototype raised keys chrome clasp

My specimen doesn’t have a manufacture or a serial number on case back what indicates it is an unfinished product...

HP-01 prototype raised keys chrome back
HP-01 prototype demonstration case / HP in-house showcase

This is something I’m very proud of. This case has been given to me by The Australian HP Computer Museum and it is assumed to be unique. It was a donation of HP Australia to the HP computer museum many years ago. Since the museum specializes in computers and not in watches or pocket calculators they agreed to leave it to me…

The HP-01 is shown in its single parts within this case and there’s a description of each part.
It also contains the famous original sectional drawing of the HP-01 case. The writing was made with instant letters what was common in the seventies.
One of the case backs has the serial number 0066 which has only 4 digits instead of 5 like usual.

HP-01 prototype showcase
HP-01 prototype showcase #2
HP-01 prototype showcase #3
HP-01 prototype showcase #4
HP-01 prototype showcase #5

HP-01:  planned model varitions and follow-up models

HP-01 questionary

That HP initially intended to develop more „wrist instruments“ becomes evident when looking at 3 page questionnaire that was handed out to HP-01 buyers:

HP-01 questionary detail

This leads to the interesting perception that HP most likely even planned to produce an 18kt solid gold HP-01 for the especially well-off buyers!
So the first hundred pieces of the world's first fully electronic calculator watch, the Pulsar 1822 calculator, were made of solid 18 carat gold. Original price in 1975: 3950$.
Later there was a further 18 carat edition of the same model with serial numbers above 100. (most likely up to 300).
So Pulsar had sold several hundred solid gold calculators, each one almost the equivalent of a new Chevrolet Caprice limousine. Maybe this was the initial reason for HP's thoughts about producing such a luxurious and expensive calculator watch as well...

Pulsar 1822 18kt calculator watch
1975 Chevrolet Caprice sedan

In 1975 The Pulsar 1822 limited calculator watch cost almost the same like a new Chevrolet Caprice sedan.

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